Let's face it, self care is different for everyone. Whereas for me it looks like "unplugging" from the world and adding in a hot bath and massage to my routine, for you it could be taking a mini vacation. No one can ultimately tell you what self care is for you. The key is simply to do things that you actually enjoy. Below I will present a list of things that I personally include as a means of relaxation for me and if any of those things are things you also enjoy then feel free to implement them into your self care routine.
1. Massage therapy
2. Coloring in my
favorite book 3. Unplugging from technology
4. Doing NOTHING
5. Praying
6. Journaling
7. Playing with my puppy
If like me, you also enjoy coloring and have been looking for more books "for the culture" then check out my list of 12 stress relieving coloring books for Black women below. 👌 #melanin #representationmatters
Great for self care.
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